What Happens When You UNleash Your Story?

What Happens When You UNleash Your Story?

What Happens When You UNleash Your Story?

I’ve had this theory for a long time that learning how to express yourself, especially through story, UNlocks something inside of us that spills over into other areas of our lives.

It’s something I’ve tested in multiple ways for many years and with thousands of people, especially young people.

Let me take you on a journey of evolution so you understand the origin of this work.

I put my theory into a book, Being UNapologetic, which then became my brand.

While many people love the idea of living their life UNapologetically, there is one thing that is consistently in the way. It’s what I’ve come to call (and subsequently trademarked) Comparanoia®.

I shared my lifelong work to understand and overcome this phenomenon in my TED Talk, Overcoming Comparanoia®. In that talk, I share what I believe is at the root of the issue and a very simple antidote.

It all started with story

What TikTok Teaches Us About Generation Z

What TikTok Teaches Us About Generation Z

What TikTok Teaches Us About Generation Z

Whether we like it, accept it, or care, TikTok, the media app that can be used for creating and sharing short videos has captured the attention of a generation and, in doing so, has given us the opportunity to learn what’s working and how we can adapt to better engage kids and young people.

Personally, it took me a long time to figure out what to do with this platform. Finally, I chose to be myself on it. You can follow my experimenting (from dancing, duetting, and silliness) on my TikTok account. In doing so, I learned a few things about why the app is so popular and what we, as parents and teachers, can learn to better connect with Gen Zers.

What happens after TEDx?

What happens after TEDx?

What Happens After TEDx?

You've dreamt about it.

You've visualized and manifested it.

Maybe you've even mentally prepared yourself for the increase in exposure and business that will come as a result.

Delivering a TED talk is a big deal! When you do the math, it works out that barely 0.02% of the global population has ever given one. Joining such an elite, exclusive group will certainly make a positive impact on you personally and on your business or legacy.

Or so you think/hope.

STOP! This Technique Will Transform Your Life

STOP! This Technique Will Transform Your Life

STOP! This Technique Will Transform Your Life

Feeling stuck? UNmovitvated? UNable to move forward or to get stuff done?

In 2017, I had the great fortune of spending 2 days with Joseph McClendon III.

In many ways, you could say he is the science and psychology behind Tony Robbins. In fact, as a neuropsychologist he has a lot to teach us all. One of the most powerful techniques he shares is the his STOP technique.

How to be Yourself in a World That Wants You to be Somebody Else

How to be Yourself in a World That Wants You to be Somebody Else

How to be Yourself in a World That Wants You to be Somebody Else

History is made by those who refuse to follow the status quo. 

Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of a bus, single handedly halting the tide of segregation. Mahatma Gandhi won Indian independence from Britain through nonviolent protest. 24-year-old Mordechai Anielewicz led the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, holding back the inevitable Nazi deportation of the Jews of Warsaw for nearly a month.

This Former Teacher Launches Confetti at the End of his TED Talk. The Reason He Did it Will Make You Melt.

This Former Teacher Launches Confetti at the End of his TED Talk. The Reason He Did it Will Make You Melt.

Former Teacher Launches Confetti at the End of his TED Talk and You’ll Love the Reason Why

Two weeks before stepping onto the stage at TEDx Colorado Springs, former teacher Davide Di Giorgio realized there was one thing he needed to do in his talk that would drive his message home.

More importantly, he wanted to send a message to the thousands of students he had worked with over his lifetime.

Are You Suffering From Comparanoia®?

Are You Suffering From Comparanoia®?

Are You Suffering From Comparanoia®?

Do you:

  • Compare yourself to everyone else’s Facebook status posts?

  • Measure your success against someone else’s or your own criteria?

  • Try to be the same as — or different from — someone else?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then you are suffering from what I’ve come to call Comparanoia®. The good news is that there’s an antidote. But before I share the antidote, let me tell you what Comparanoia® is and, what it isn’t.

5 Simple (and Practical) Ways To Improve The Mental Wellness of You and Younger Ones

5 Simple (and Practical) Ways To Improve The Mental Wellness of You and Younger Ones

5 Simple (and Practical) Ways To Improve The Mental Wellness of You and Your Younger Ones

You work out, right?

OK, you know physical activity is beneficial and improves your life, right?

What about your mental wellness? Do you work on it? How? How do you empower your kids to have good mental health?

During the time I was a teacher, I learned not only the importance of mental wellness, but also how intrinsically tied to all things — including overall achievement — it is.

Recently, I was interviewed by Josh Ochs’ on his Smart Social Podcast where I shared 5 ideas on how to improve mental wellness…

If You’ve Ever Done This, You Might Be A Cyberbully

If You’ve Ever Done This, You Might Be A Cyberbully

If You’ve Ever Done This, You Might Be A Cyberbully

On October 29, 2019 at shortly after 5am, I opened my Facebook with the intention of sharing some exciting news in a community that I was a member of. I typed the group name in the search bar, and nothing came up.

“Odd,” I thought. So I tried a few other things to locate the group.

Eventually, I sent a message to a friend who was also a member of the group, “This is random... but what is the name of the FB group we are in together? I think I'm not in it anymore??”

It turns out I had been removed from the group. Not only that, I had been blocked from it…

How to Raise Bully-Proof Children

How to Raise Bully-Proof Children

How to Raise Bully-Proof Children

Back to school. An exciting time punctuated by new teachers and classes, fresh books and school supplies, resuming friendships and extra-curricular activities. For the child who has experienced bullying, however, it can be the worst time of the year.

It sure was for me…

There are many reasons for this. For one, when you compare yourself to others, you’re comparing the worst of you to the best of them. Others, whether it be face-to-face or on social media, tend to display the highlight reels of their lives, and whose messy real-life can compare to someone’s edited curation? Growing up, when we’d drive through a wealthy neighborhood admiring the beautiful homes, my mom would tell me, you never know what’s going on inside. Everyone has their struggles.…

How Not to Compare Yourself to Others

How Not to Compare Yourself to Others

How Not to Compare Yourself to Others

Comparing yourself to others, whether you come out ahead or behind, robs you of many things, the most notable of which is joy.

There are many reasons for this. For one, when you compare yourself to others, you’re comparing the worst of you to the best of them. Others, whether it be face-to-face or on social media, tend to display the highlight reels of their lives, and whose messy real-life can compare to someone’s edited curation? Growing up, when we’d drive through a wealthy neighborhood admiring the beautiful homes, my mom would tell me, you never know what’s going on inside. Everyone has their struggles.…

How to Build Your Confidence in Five Minutes a Day

How to Build Your Confidence in Five Minutes a Day

How to Build Your Confidence in Five Minutes a Day

Some of us seem to be born confident. Others have spent a lifetime working at it. The truth is, there are times each of us has felt rattled, underprepared or awkward. Though that feeling of not fitting in may be the very catalyst that has made us into who we are, it would be nice to be able to summon up confidence at will, whether to walk into a room and own it or to get on stage and speak in front of hundreds.

The good news is that you can develop confidence…

Motivational Speaker and Best-Selling Author Davide Di Giorgio Tackles Bullying and Teen Mental Health Crisis, Teaching Students to Be Unapologetic and Unleash Their Potential at School and in Life

Motivational Speaker and Best-Selling Author Davide Di Giorgio Tackles Bullying and Teen Mental Health Crisis, Teaching Students to Be Unapologetic and Unleash Their Potential at School and in Life

Motivational Speaker and Best-Selling Author Davide Di Giorgio Tackles Bullying and Teen Mental Health Crisis, Teaching Students to Be Unapologetic and Unleash Their Potential at School and in Life

Former music teacher now on a mission to empower everyday extraordinary individuals, especially young people, to compare less and celebrate more.

According to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation, most young people today recognize the importance of their mental health but believe they lack access to resources needed to support them. Citing a survey by Benenson Strategy Group of over 2000 U.S. youth ages 13 to 24, researchers found that only 4 out of 10 young people rate their own mental health highly. Over 50% feel they do not have access to resources to deal with bullying and harassment, and nearly half said they would not know where to turn if they felt suicidal or had thoughts of self-harming.

Fool Or Foe: Owning Failure to Create Success

Fool Or Foe: Owning Failure to Create Success

Fool Or Foe: Owning Failure to Create Success

In the summer of 2009, I moved to the Arctic, by choice. I was on a mission for a fresh start. What I discovered was a shocking truth that would forever change the way I approached life and business.

Arriving in a new environment can be exhilarating - just like starting a new project or even a new relationship. For us entrepreneurs, the risk and challenge involved with starting over is addictive. I was up for the challenge, and my first days were filled with long, sunny days and an UNstoppable spirit.

The Real (UNapologetic) Reasons You’re Not Getting Booked To Speak

The Real (UNapologetic) Reasons You’re Not Getting Booked To Speak

The Real (UNapologetic) Reasons You’re Not Getting Booked To Speak

They are the Holy Grail for Speakers (present and future).

Speaking gigs - engagements, and opportunities to speak on stages.

They are an obsession for many and a way to  - and the number of them speakers can book have become EVERYTHING.

They've become the driver and the measure by which speakers assess themselves and each other, and it's a shame and wholly misguided.

I’ve been on a mission to reveal the unapologetic truth about the speaking industry to up and coming speakers so that they can better position and prepare themselves for success.

Lessons From Becoming an International Best-Selling Author: The Power of Gratitude

Lessons From Becoming an International Best-Selling Author: The Power of Gratitude

Lessons From Becoming an International Best-Selling Author: The Power of Gratitude

In August of 2018, I declared that my newly released book Being UNapologetic would hit #1 in 7 countries.

Australia was the first #1. Then Canada, then the USA.  

While every detail was planned out, from launch graphics to having people ready in multiple countries, what I didn’t plan for was how the book would ultimately claim the top spot around the world.

It wasn’t the launch strategy or people who were sharing about the book directly – at least not exactly.

It was gratitude. 

Thinking Bigger: 3 Principles to Create BIGGER Results

Thinking Bigger: 3 Principles to Create BIGGER Results

Thinking Bigger: 3 Principles to Create Bigger Results

A new year inspires us to think big!

As entrepreneurs, especially, we set audacious goals and declare new visions for business, life, and beyond!

It’s been my life’s work to think bigger. From composer to educator, coach, and founder, I’ve observed that thinking bigger creates more connection, community, and collaboration, and, quite simply, more results! People who deliver vision (big ideas worth spreading) have shown over and over, throughout history, that they can lead movements and move people into inspired action!

Money Matters

Money Matters

Money Matters: 5 Quotes And Questions To Make Money Matter More

On June 4th, 2011 I won the lottery. The lightning lottery.

Like a good neighbor, State Farm was there and handed me a check as I stood on the road, in front of what used to be my home, after the twenty-seven firefighters, curious reporters and onlookers left the scene.

What happened next, forever changed the way I approach life and money.

The Love Dare

The Love Dare

The Love Dare: Leveraging Love For Success In Business And Life

What’s LOVE got to do with it? Entrepreneurship, that is..

While I’ve been an entrepreneur and thought leader my entire life, my immigration to America in 2015 forced me to start over. I had to become a student in every way to start a new life and a new iteration of my business.

Let’s play the age-old game of ‘Truth or Dare’ to illustrate the discovery that has radically transformed my approach to (and success in) entrepreneurship and life, and the two questions that changed everything!