UNleash Your Story

What Happens When You UNleash Your Story?

What Happens When You UNleash Your Story?

What Happens When You UNleash Your Story?

I’ve had this theory for a long time that learning how to express yourself, especially through story, UNlocks something inside of us that spills over into other areas of our lives.

It’s something I’ve tested in multiple ways for many years and with thousands of people, especially young people.

Let me take you on a journey of evolution so you understand the origin of this work.

I put my theory into a book, Being UNapologetic, which then became my brand.

While many people love the idea of living their life UNapologetically, there is one thing that is consistently in the way. It’s what I’ve come to call (and subsequently trademarked) Comparanoia®.

I shared my lifelong work to understand and overcome this phenomenon in my TED Talk, Overcoming Comparanoia®. In that talk, I share what I believe is at the root of the issue and a very simple antidote.

It all started with story